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GRIT Board Meeting

Rogue Eastside Pub and Brewery (formerly Green Dragon) at 928 SE 9th Ave, Portland, OR 97214

Agenda topics: 

4:30 - 5:30 Board of Directors Meeting (open to all GRiT members)

5:30 - 7:30 GRiT General Meeting (open to everyone)


·         Use of fertilizers and other pollutants on green roofs and City of Portland, Environmental Services guidelines, Discussion with Alice Coker and Henry Stephens.  Description:  

Green roofs, like other green stormwater infrastructure, can sometimes export nutrients (N, P) and metals (Cu, Zn). Media formulations and post-construction additives are both potential sources of these pollutants. As a result, in 2016 BES disallowed chemical additives such as fertilizers and fungicides in the blending of ecoroof growing media. BES’ stormwater manual also states the design goal should be to make the systems “self-sustaining, without the need for fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides”. BES understands green roofs require some inputs, and would like feedback from GRIT about options for balancing the needs of the systems with reducing export of pollutants. (Roofing materials such as metal flashing are also potential sources of metals, but BES would like to focus on the media in this particular discussion.)

·         Establish the Symposium Committee to volunteer in the management of the 2019 Ecoroof Symposium Volunteers are needed for planning, marketing, speaker management, fundraising, and tours

·         Review the schedule of 2018 GRiT Presentations and Tours 

·         Updates on the pending Ecoroof Requirement


Rogue Pilot Brewery - meeting in the Barrel Room - 928 SE 9th Ave, Portland 

To access the Barrel Room, enter the Brewery through the main door, and walk straight ahead to the end of the bar. Turn right and go through the glass door.  Keeping to the right, make your way to the far wall. The Barrel Room is on the right.  You can also ask anyone from Rogue for directions. 

Please join us!




Earlier Event: March 21
GRIT Meeting - March 2018
Later Event: April 18
GRIT General Meeting