April 18, 2019
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm General meeting to talk about the fall green roof symposium
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Presentation by Liz Morris about correcting mistakes and avoiding a complete tear-off and re-do
Things go wrong. Mistakes are made. What do you do when those mistakes involve a green roof? Liz Morris, GRP, will explain common mistakes and what you can do to address them and even prevent them. What you will learn:
· Diagnosing a problem
· Addressing specific failure points, such as roof penetrations
· How to restore a green roof without completely tearing off the roof and replacing it.
Location: Rogue Eastside Pub, 928 SE 9th Ave, Portland OR, in the Barrel Room.
For more information, please contact GRiT at admin@greenroofthinktank.org
Thank you, and we hope to see you on the 18th!