GRiT Holiday Cheer! December 19th 5pm - 8pm

Please join us Wednesday, December 19th from 5:00 - 8:00 for the GRiT Holiday Party!  We have a lot to celebrate this year, especially with the adoption of the Portland Ecoroof Requirement.   We would like to extend a special invite to all of our sister organizations with similar sustainability initiatives, as we continue to build alliances in 2019.  

If you have never been to GRiT this would be a great first meeting!  We'll have a raffle, free hors devours, a slideshow (send me your favorite green roof pictures to include!) and some updates about GRiT 2019 tours and events.  We have the Barrel Room as usual, hidden back behind the brewery, from 5:00 - 8:00 at Rogue Eastside Pub at 929 SE 9th Street, Portland 97214.

Can't wait to celebrate with everyone!!